Youtube Play All Videos From Channel (Desktop And App)

Wondering if it’s possible to play all videos of a Youtube channel without having to add every video to a playlist?

Yes, you can create a playlist with all videos in a few clicks!

Youtube introduced a new Play All feature a few years back that made this super easy and straightforward.

But back in the days this could only be done by messing with the URLs.

In this quick post, I’ll show you how to play all videos from a channel as a playlist on both desktop and on the Youtube app.

How To Play All Videos From One Youtube Channel

Here’s how to play all videos from channel on desktop step by step:

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  1. Go to
  2. Search the channel and open it up from the search results. This will load the channel’s home page.
  3. You should be able to see a “Play all” button right under the home tab menu.
  4. Click on this button
How To Play All Videos From One Youtube Channel

That’s it. Clicking it will put all their videos into a playlist and it will start playing from the latest video. You can click on the shuffle playlist button if you want to watch it in a random order.

This is the easiest way to create a playlist to play all videos.

However, there are a lot of other ways to do this too. For example it can be done by creating a JavaScript bookmarklet, URL hacking by looking at the page source and much more.

In case the Youtube play all button is missing for you, I’ll show another method shortly.

Play All Videos On A Youtube Channel On IPhone / Android

The method we talked about earlier works great on Desktop, but you won’t see the Play All button on the Youtube mobile app.

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Fortunately there is a workaround to get the playlist into the Youtube app.

Here’s how:

  1. Open Chrome, Safari or whatever browser you have on your smartphone.
  2. Tap on the 3 dots on the top right corner and enable the Desktop Version.
  3. Type on the address bar
  4. Once you are on Youtube, go to the Home page of the channel and you’ll see the Play All button.
  5. Tap on Play All. This will create a playlist and start playing the videos.
  6. Next, tap on the address bar and copy the URL of the playlist
  7. Open up Whatsapp or any other messenger app and send the copied URL to yourself (or someone, we just need the link to be clickable).
  8. Once the message is sent, click on the link and it will open up the playlist on the Youtube app instead of the browser!

This is a clever workaround that works all the time. You could even get the playlist URL from doing it on a computer and send the link to your phone.

Youtube Play All Button Missing

Sometimes you might not see the Play button on the channel homepage or it might not just add all the videos to the playlist.

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If your youtube play all button missing, try doing this:

  • Go to the Youtube Channel
  • Click on the Videos tab
  • Right click and select Inspect (Ctrl+Shift+I)
  • Click on the Console tab
  • On the bottom, you’ll see “>>” which is where you can enter commands into the console.
  • Copy and paste this code into this:

cId = document.querySelector(‘[itemprop=”identifier”]’).content;

if ( cId?.startsWith(‘UC’) ) window.location.href = ‘’ + cId.slice(2)

else console.error(‘ID is missing. Refresh the page and try again’);

** What this code basically does is find the channel ID from the page source and then merges it at the end of the playlist?list… URL .

This is how this should look like on Firefox:

Youtube Play All Button Missing
  • Finally, hit enter.

That’s it. It will now load a playlist page like the one below. Just click Play all here and it will add all videos to the playlist and start playing.

You can also open this playlist URL on your smartphone and it will open on the Youtube app.

Youtube Play All Videos From Channel

Note: If it shows an ID is missing error, just refresh the page and do it again and it should work.

Other Methods

You can also try to open youtube in an incognito tab and see if the button is there. A lot of users found this to work.

Seems like it was some kind of cache issue.

Clearing browser cache might also work. If it doesn’t try switching to a different Google account.

Final Thoughts

I hope at least one of these methods worked for you. If it didn’t, please let me know in the comments and I’ll show you a couple of different workarounds.

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