Sendinblue Suspended Campaign? (Here’s Why)

You spend weeks crafting the perfect email campaign. You segment your list, personalize the copy, and hit send. Then you get the dreaded notification – your account has been suspended by Sendinblue!

I know first-hand how frustrating this experience can be, because I’ve been suspended by a number of platforms back in the days.

But here’s the thing – Sendinblue’s suspension isn’t the end of the world.

There are plenty of other platforms that are far better than Sendinblue (now Brevo).

In this post, I’ll explain why Sendinblue suspended campaigns. You’ll learn exactly what triggered it and how to avoid getting suspended again in the future.

Why Was My Sendinblue Campaign Suspended?

Your account was suspended because Sendinblue THINKS you were spamming.

Sendinblue (and every other email marketing platform) try to maintain strong deliverability and a good reputation. To do this, they have to suspend accounts sending spam.

⚡Also Read:  Sendinblue Emails Going To Spam

Their systems have a number of ways to detect potential spam.

Here are some of the most common triggers that could lead Sendinblue to temporarily or permanently suspend an account:

#1 Hard Bounce Rates

High hard bounce rates are another red flag for platforms like Sendinblue.

Sendinblue will suspend accounts with consistent hard bounce rates exceeding a certain percentage.

A hard bounce is when emails fail to reach recipients and bounce back as undeliverable. This happens when sending to invalid, misspelled, or disabled addresses.

So a high hard bounce rate signals potential issues with your subscriber list’s quality.

Plus, even a small percentage of hard bounces can hurt their reputation.

#2 High Spam Complaints Rates

Subscribers marking your emails as spam or unsolicited is a serious red flag for Sendinblue.

The standard industry acceptable spam rate is < 0.1%. Anything higher will trigger the algo.

So if enough subscribers report your emails as spam, Sendinblue will suspend your campaign and account.

#3 IP Address Or Email Domain Blacklisted

One of the fastest ways to get suspended is if your IP address or domain gets blacklisted by major ISPs and email providers like Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo.

These providers maintain blacklists of IPs and domains known to distribute spam.

If you get added to these lists, all your email will be automatically blocked or sent to spam or junk folders.

This usually happens because people mark your emails as spam. Just a small number of spam complaints against your domain can be enough to get blacklisted.

So, check your domain and IP reputation on blacklist monitoring sites.

Getting removed from these blacklists is challenging and you might need to get a completely new IP address / domain.

#4 Sending To Purchased Lists

A common shortcut some marketers take is purchasing email lists.

If you are using a list like this – it’s probably why they suspended you.

⚡Also Read:  Best Niches For Email Marketing

Sendinblue explicitly prohibits using purchased lists, as these often contain inactive emails (which increases bounce rate) and lead to complaints (increases spam rates).

#5 Spikes In Email Volume

If you suddenly increase the amount of emails you send, it could alert Sendinblue’s anti-spam systems.

Because huge upticks in volume over short periods are almost always spam campaigns.

For example, if your account normally sends 5,000 emails per month, suddenly sending 30,000 emails will appear super irregular and suspicious.

#6 Other TOS And Anti-Spam Policies Violations

Any clear violations of Sendinblue’s terms of service will obviously lead to a suspension.

Things like:

  • Sending deceptive / harmful / illegal content
  • Impersonating others
  • Aggressively affiliate marketing

Will most likely get you suspended. You can read their entire TOS here.

What To Do If Sendinblue Suspended Account?

If your Sendinblue campaign is suspended, you have only two options:

Contact Customer Support

Reach out politely to Sendinblue’s customer support team via email or chat. Be cordial, explain the situation, and ask if they can reinstate your account.

If there were spam or policy issues, tell them how you’ve addressed them too.

They might just reinstate your account. However this is very unlikely if you have a free account.

Try A Different Email Marketing Platform

If Sendinblue refuses to reinstate the account, your only option is to switch platforms.

To be honest, it’s not that bad. There are plenty of other email marketing platforms that are free or will fit your budget and needs.

Just migrate your email lists over and recreate your campaigns!

Some of the ones I recommend are ActiveCampaign and MailerLite.

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