Clickbank Hoplink Not Working (Explained)

Clickbank Hoplink Not Working

Hoplinks are unique URLs that Clickbank generates to track sales and commissions for every one of their affiliates. Sometimes these hoplinks stop working all of a sudden for some people. In most cases, this is due to Clickbank suspending your account. In this post, I’ll give you a quick rundown of some of the common … Read more

Facebook Ads For Cryptocurrency (Ultimate Guide)

Facebook Ads For Cryptocurrency

Facebook is only allowing educational-based ads for cryptocurrency. However, we can use that method to promote our product. I would honestly suggest that if you really want to advertise crypto trading and Bitcoin, try to explore other social media platforms such as Reddit or Twitter. It’s a bit tricky to publish an ad on Facebook … Read more

Multiple Landing Pages On One Domain (Guide)

Multiple Landing Pages On One Domain

If you’re in the world of marketing, you would most definitely know how important landing pages can be to get maximum conversions. Landing pages play the incredibly vital function of converting YOUR online visitors into customers. Landing pages should have ZERO distractions, and need to be targeted directly to the customers. But what if your … Read more

Clickfunnels 2.0 Vs Classic (Compared)

Clickfunnels 2.0 Vs Classic

Clickfunnels 2.0 has been up and running since 2021. While its name tends to suggest the fact that it is quite similar to the Classic version, it’s so much more than that. More than being a newer version of something that already exists, Clickfunnels 2.0 is a brand new platform. It gives users the option … Read more

How To Downgrade Youtube App (Detailed Guide)

How To Downgrade Youtube App

YouTube, just like all other major apps, releases new updates from time to time to fix bugs, maintain security and to introduce new features. But at the same time, the new updates can also introduce new bugs, change the user interface and remove certain features. If the new update is causing bugs or took away … Read more

YouTube Shorts Suddenly Stopped Getting Views? (Here’s Why)

YouTube Shorts Suddenly Stopped Getting Views

If you’re a content creator on YouTube, you know YouTube shorts are the NEWEST trend on the social media platform. Creating clips for YouTube shorts is a whole new process, with the time limits and other challenges that you need to meet to create something EXTRA exciting and eye-catching. But what happens when you upload … Read more

Discord Vs Facebook Groups (Compared)

Discord Vs Facebook Groups

Discord Servers and Facebook Groups are both great platforms to build communities on. But they have different features and are more suited to certain demographics over the other. So, which one you should select for your products depends entirely on your target audience. This is where I come in! In this post, I’ll compare Discord … Read more

Best Countries To Target Facebook Ads (And Which To Avoid)

Best Countries To Target Facebook Ads

Advertising on Facebook is always an effective strategy for a business to reach its target audience and make sales. However, choosing the right countries is super important for the success of your campaign. In this comprehensive guide, I will break down the best countries to target Facebook ads, and which countries to exclude from your … Read more

This Video Contains Content From SME (Fixed)

This Video Contains Content From SME

Have you ever come across this message on Youtube? “This video contains content From SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds” It’s an issue many of us have faced. And surprisingly, it can even happen on our own uploaded videos! Turns out, this means the video you are trying to watch … Read more

Fake Leads From Facebook Ads? (What To Do)

Fake Leads From Facebook Ads

One way of advertising our businesses and services online is through social media, and so many of us do this. And the number of companies using social media platforms like Facebook to advertise their products and services keeps growing day by day – but there is one problem. When you follow up with the leads … Read more

Pressure Washing Facebook Ads (A Marketer’s Guide)

Pressure Washing Facebook Ads

Pressure washing has a broad client base since the majority of people own at least one property, be it a home, patio, driveway, or commercial space, all of which require cleaning and maintenance. Facebook Ads are a great and cheap way of reaching these people and getting quick leads and conversions. But for it to … Read more