Invalid Object Type For Field ‘Brand’ (Solved)

Invalid object type for field ‘brand’ is a Google Search Console enhancements warning that shows up when there is an issue with the structured data on your page.

This is a non-critical issue that Google recommends you fix, but it is not something that’s serious and it just improves your schema. I am pretty sure Google can figure it out on their own too.

Nevertheless, I suggest you fix it. The good news is that it’s pretty easy to fix.

In this quick guide, I’ll show you how to fix it in a few minutes.

How To Fix Invalid Object Type For Field ‘Brand’?

The reason behind this issue is that your theme set the schema brand type as a Thing instead of a Brand.

How To Fix Invalid Object Type For Field 'Brand'?

If you are using custom schema code, it’s probably set to something else too for this error to come up.

To fix this issue, all you have to do is change “Thing” into “Brand”. Super easy right?

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Unless you add structured data manually, you might probably be thinking “Where the hell do I find this code” leave alone editing it.

Don’t worry – I’ll show you how to find and edit it.

Finding The Code

There are two ways to do this – you can use either a plugin or edit the theme files directly. If there are multiple errors showing up in GSC, install a schema plugin.

If not, manually editing theme files is easier.

Through Plugins

The good news is you don’t need to install new plugins for this – your SEO plugin can take care of it! However, if you are on Yoast, it won’t help with schema unless you are on their pro plan.

Instead, you can use Rankmath or All in one SEO.

After installing one of these, open up your product page and go to the SEO section. Next click on the schema tab and from the dropdown menu, choose “Woocommerce Product”

Invalid Object Type For Field 'Brand'

That should take care of it. Plus, Rankmath allows site wide schema editing too – they will take you through this setup when you first activate the plugin.

You can also use a plugin like Markup (JSON-LD) to add or edit schema code manually. On the plus side, this will allow you more control than the SEO plugins.

Manually Editing Theme Files

I’ll be honest here – I have never done it myself.

But from what I have heard the code should be on the “single-product.php” or “content-single-product.php” files (depending on the theme).

You can find it by going to Appearance -> Theme Editor.

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After you open it up, use CTRL + F to search for it. However, I am not sure if these are in the JS files. I am not very good at the schema.

Or you can just email your theme support and ask them how to edit it because it’s their fault after all – they should update their theme.

Editing And Testing

Now that you found it, just change whatever is in the “brand”: { into:

“brand”: {

“@type”: “Brand”,

“name”: “your_brand_name”


After you have done that, save or update it. Next, we need to test if this actually solved our issue. We can check this using the Google Rich results test.

Open the site, put in your URL and hit go. After the results are in if it doesn’t show you the Invalid object type for field ‘brand’ error anywhere – you have successfully fixed it!

Bottom Line

The Invalid object type for field ‘brand’ is non critical structured data error that is rather rare but is super easy to fix. Basically you just need to set the @type to “Brand”.

Newbies might have trouble finding the code, but if you follow our steps (either plugin or manual) you can easily find the code and edit it.

If by any chance it doesn’t work for you, please let me know in the comments below and I’ll help you fix it.

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