Instagram Following Count Stuck (Explained)

Wondering why the number of Instagram accounts you are following is stuck and doesn’t change even if you try to follow or unfollow other Instagram users?

You are not alone. There are tons of complaints about this exact issue on social media.

Unfortunately, there’s only a little we can do about it. 80% of the time, it’s on Instagram and we have to wait until they fix it.

In this quick post, I’ll explain why your Instagram following count stuck along with a few potential fixes that might just work. Plus, I’ll go over some FAQs.

Why Is My Instagram Following Count Stuck?

The main reason why your instagram followers count is stuck is because of a glitch or bug on Instagram’s end. Instagram, like any other tech product will have bugs.

That being said, there are a couple of other reasons too.

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If you go on following random people like crazy, Instagram can block you from following anymore.

Instagram has a max follow limit of 200 people per day. There’s also an hourly limit of 60 actions (both follows and unfollows).

If you try to go over these limits, Instagram will block the action and your following count will stay the same.

And then there’s the maximum following limit. You can only follow 7500 people on Instagram. If you already reached this number, you know why your count is stuck.

The last and most rare reason could be that you are not properly connected to the internet.

The Insta app needs internet access to update counts. So double check it. Some people forget to check this and the first time they see their following count is off, they start researching.

How To Fix Instagram Following Count Stuck

Now that we are aware of all the potential causes, let’s look at what we can do.

Before we get to the fixes, quickly open up your instagram account on a browser and check if the count is the same. If it’s not – the issue is with your app.

Patience – Time Solves Everything

If it’s a bug or glitch, waiting until the Instagram staff fix this problem is the only solution. Wait for around 48 to 72 hours. In most cases, these issues resolve themselves within this timeframe.

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If you have been following a lot of accounts lately, you are probably blocked.

The only thing you can do in this case is also to wait. This too will get resolved in a day or two.

IMHO, I think whatever the reason is, your first step should be to wait a couple of days and stop thinking about it till after.

Update Instagram App To Latest Version

If the Instagram app is not up-to-date, go ahead and update to its latest version RIGHT NOW.

If the following count stuck was actually caused by a bug, the update will fix it.

Updates have the most recent bug fixes, performance improvements, and optimizations implemented by Instagram’s development team.

Clear Instagram App Cache

The next thing you can try is clearing the Instagram app cache.

By clearing the app cache, you are basically removing temporary data and files that might be causing conflicts or inconsistencies in the app’s functionality.

Don’t count on this to work though. I haven’t seen a single post of this fixing the issue.

Reinstall The Instagram App

Another thing you can try is to reinstall the Instagram app.

Reinstalling the Instagram app can help resolve any corrupted files or installation issues that might be causing the problem.

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By uninstalling and reinstalling the app you basically start with a fresh installation, which can often resolve various software-related issues.

Contact Instagram Support

If none of these solutions worked for you, the only thing left to do is to contact the instagram support team and pray they reply back. Here’s how to contact instagram.

If the support team gets back to you, they will provide guidance and investigate the issue on their end.

If something is wrong at your end, they’ll guide you on exactly what to do.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Am I Stuck At 1500 Instagram Followers?

If it’s not a block or bug and you are not getting actual followers, it could be that you are shadow banned.

Wait till it’s lifted – put your account to public mode, and start posting content with hashtags.

Why Is My Follower Count Stuck On Instagram?

If your “followers” count is stuck, it’s because of the instagram follower glitch 99% of the time.

Wait for them to fix it (min 2 -3 days). Oh and if you purchased followers, instagram can detect these spam accounts and will not update the count.

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