Social Fortress SEO (Benefits And How To Build One)

Social Fortress SEO

A Social Fortress is a rather underrated SEO tactic that only a few SEOs do. A Social Fortress is a collection of social profiles that surround and links back to your site. These social properties are branded entities of your site. It builds trust, protects your site from penalties, and gives you a small ranking … Read more

Can Duplicate Yelp Listings Affect SEO? (Explained)

can duplicate yelp listings affect seo

As a business owner, you might be taken aback when you suddenly stumble upon a duplicate Yelp listing for your business. This might also lead you to wonder if duplicate Yelp listings affect SEO. Generally, duplicate listings are bad for SEO as it can confuse search engines and customers. Plus, it’s against Yelp’s rules to … Read more

Blocked Due To Other 4xx Issue Error (Explained & Fixed)

Blocked Due To Other 4xx Issue Error

Indexing issues are pretty common and every webmaster has faced them at least a few times. One of these annoying GSC indexing errors is the “Blocked due to other 4xx issue” which basically means Google got a 4xx error when they tried to crawl the page. In this post, I’ll give you a quick rundown … Read more

Google Sites SEO (Ultimate Optimization Guide)

Google Sites SEO

Google Sites is one of the lesser-known (and neglected) website builders out there, however, it is a popular web 2.0 platform among marketers and bloggers. While it’s true that it doesn’t have a lot of features and functionality, it’s still an effective way of managing a website. Plus, it’s free. And most importantly, you can … Read more

How To Use Keyword Surfer (Complete Guide)

How To Use Keyword Surfer

Keyword Surfer is probably the best FREE keyword research tool out there IMHO and is a lot better than some paid keyword research tools like Moz. Plus, it’s easy to use and install. It’s pretty much everything a beginner needs to start ranking their site on Google ❤️. In this ultimate guide, I’ll quickly go … Read more