Are your Microsoft ads not getting any impressions even though it’s approved and running?
I know how this feels personally, after spending a lot time setting up the campaign only to see it isn’t getting any clicks or even impressions.
This happens because of either the keywords you selected, budget or account issues.
But the good news is you can fix this quite easily with a few tweaks.
In this post, I’ll break down why your Bing ads get no impressions and what you should do.
#1 Account Is Still Under Review
The main reason why most people don’t get any ad impressions is because your account or campaign is still under review.
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This is completely normal and would be approved in a couple of days max.
Unfortunately, there is no way to know if it’s still being reviewed because bing ads always show it as “eligible” in the delivery tab.
The only way to find out for sure is to ask Microsoft ads customer support.
So before you go through any of the other solutions on this post, talk to support and make sure your account or campaign is not under review still.
#2 Keywords Are Too Long-Tail
One of the biggest mistakes people make when choosing keywords for the campaign is selecting keywords that are way too long tail.
The issue with keywords like this is that there may not be enough search volume for them.
For example, “making money with bing ads” is a good long-tail keyword.
A bad example would be something like “how to make money with bing ads without any experience” which I am sure only a very few searches for.
On top of that, about 85% of the entire world uses Google, so the search volume on Bing is a lot lower to begin with.
If you use keywords that anyone barely searches for, you aren’t going to get any impressions.
Always check the estimated monthly search volume of a keyword in Bing’s keyword research tool before selecting it. Don’t target very low volume keywords either.
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You want enough volume to get impressions, but you also want to target relevant keywords.
Try to select high-volume long tails with some really specific yet still searched long tail versions with some volume.
#3 Not Enough Keywords
The next most common reason why people get no impressions in bing ads is because they don’t select enough keywords.
This goes in goes in conjunction with #2. You’ll get very low to zero impressions if you have like 1 or 2 exact match “too” long tail keywords because nobody searches for them.
So, always try to add more keywords.
The more relevant long tail keywords you add the better!
A good way of finding related keywords and keyword variations for your main keyword is to use a tool like Semrush.
Just put in your keyword and it will show a bunch of related ones along with their volume.
For example, here some for the board keyword “Facebook not working”:
You can get ideas from the related searches section on the bottom of the search engine ranking pages too:
And you can use the search bar and the “people also ask” sections too:
#4 Low Bid And Budget
The final reason your bing ads aren’t getting any impressions is because your budget is too low.
Even if your budget isn’t super tiny, it might still be too low for the keywords you are targeting.
Just because the bing keyword tools show you an estimated CPC, it doesn’t mean that’s what you’ll end up paying. At best they’re rough estimates, not the actual number.
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Plus, if other advertisers are bidding for the same keywords, CPC can rise quickly.
So don’t use keywords you see on Youtube videos, because chances are, thousands of other people who saw the video might be using them.
Budget wise – start low with your bid to test it out.
If after a few days you aren’t getting the number of clicks you expected, bump up your bid little by little. Keep increasing it until you’re happy with the results.
Bottom Line
Bing ads get no impressions because the keywords you selected are too long-tail or if you haven’t selected enough keywords.
This can also happen if your daily budget is low or your ads might still be under review.